A Minute with the Witch

A Minute with the Witch

Gentle mother of earth, awesome father of sky, join with our hearts, the time is nigh.

great spirit, divine one, creator of all answer our most reverent call. the circle is cast the light unbroken, so mote it be our magik is spoken.

Now that we are all safely inside the Circle, greetings brothers sisters, witches, druids, pagans – welcome all, to the first leg on our journey together.

First and most importantly for me, is to say, I am NOT the consummate authority on ANYTHING, but like most of us when approached to write about a subject that touches my life in the most meaningful way, i jumped at the chance.

I am a green/kitchen witch – there – I’m out and it feels great! For me the realization that I was a witch came both slowly and all at once. I think the quote that best expresses that is this: whenever you hear or read anything of a spiritual nature that moves you – touches your soul – you are NOT learning something new, you are remembering what you have always known – it’s a gentle awakening. Are some of you nodding? Think about all the magic you believed in as a child…how the answer “…it’s magik…” somehow made sense to you and that it was the constant drumbeat of “there’s no such thing as magik” that got so loud you gave up. Well I’m here to remind you that magik still exists and if you don’t believe me you haven’t been to Holistic House!

As March approaches, we’re prepping for Ostara – the Spring Equinox when we celebrate the equal day and night (balance) and celebrate the renewal and rebirth of the earth and let’s not forget the fertility of Spring. Holistic House has everything you need to enhance your ritual practice whether you’re a novice, crone or just want to reconnect yourself to the earth’s energies. For the Sabbath we’re showcasing our spectacular specimens of Amethyst and Aquamarine which are sure to focus your altar grid; add bloodstone, jasper, rose quartz and moonstone to round out that grid. Indulge your practice with our Sandalwood essential oil, dried lavender and gemstone eggs for a truly magikal altar adornment. Don’t worry if you forget what you need, the House will always help keep you in your groove.

I’d like to focus on the most important aspects of Ostara, for me, balance. Given the current circumstance with the cooties, finding balance in our daily lives requires a commitment to oneself. By that I mean, a routine that engages mind, body and soul working in harmony to bring itself into balance. I meditate daily, followed by a foraging walk in the woods around my house and end with a ritual shower all before starting my day and engaging with others. The benefits of working towards balance are many and I’ve found my mind more fluid and creative, my body feels connected to the earth in a calm energy, and my soul feels at ease. It took a while to recognize the improvements but gradually i became more comfortable in the present. I encourage you all to develop a routine that speaks to your needs and fits with your daily routine. Keep it simple at first and add activities as you feel compelled. We are all on our own paths and there are no right or wrongs – trust what you feel and go with what works.

i think we’re off to a good start for our first entry. I encourage you all to send questions, suggestions, comments or whatever moves you to me for discussion on our blog.

Lunar reminder: March 13th New Moon @ 5:21 am Full (worm) Moon March 28th @2:48pm. Stop by the House for all your lunar celebration needs.

I’ll leave you with this quote from my “must-have” resource llewellyn’s Magical Almanac: “Who in this world of ours, her eyes in March first opens, shall be wise, in the days of peril, firm and brace and wear a bloodstone to her grave”.

Now I cast the sacred circle, the circle is closed so that only love may enter or leave its field. As i will it so more it be. Blessed Be and I hope to see you at the House.

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